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:: Acharyas


The third Acharya of the Shree Nar-Narayan Dev Gadi, Purushottamprasaddasji Maharaj, through a little hot in temperament, was very much loving and expressive by nature. It was difficult for him to tolerate an iota of dishonor towards worship and devotion. He used to move around various towns and villages with a view to propagating the ideals preached by Shree Hari. Hw encouraged literature and creativity. He also inspired different constructions and architectural works at various temples. He was very energetic in creating wealth for the temples, so that the survival and maintenance of the temples would never be advisedly effected.

Purushottamprasaddasji had no progeny of his own. Hence, he adopted Vasudevprasadji, the son of Kashiprasadji Pande and made him his successor. He served the seat for nearly twelve years, before he passed away.

ISSO Chapter | (206)409-5591
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